
Photo of DLLG 2023 Election Results

DLLG 2023 Election Results

DLLG Elections were held at its Dinner Meeting on January 26, 2023. A motion was made by DLLG President, seconded by City of Rehoboth Beach Mayor Stan Mills to accept the nominations as recommended and approved by DLLG's Executive Committee at its meeting of October 20, 2022:
- President, Archie Campbell, City of Milford Mayor
- Vice President, Nick Smith, Town of Clayton Mayor
Executive Committee:
- Valerie Forbes, Town of Smyrna Vice-Mayor
- Jeffrey Hall, Kent County Levy Court Commissioner
- Michael Spencer, Town of Newport Vice-Mayor
- Eric Scott Thompson, Town of Elsmere Mayor
- Michael Vincent, Sussex County President
Congratulations to all! The new terms of our officers and EC members begin immediately.